Tooth sensitivity can be caused by a number of reasons. This ailment or discomfort is also called dental hypersensitivity and is usually intense, brief and localized. It usually occurs in a specific area or tooth when there is an external stimulus. This stimulus can be thermal (very hot or very cold foods or drinks), chemical stimuli (such as sweets or acidic substances) or tactile stimuli such as the pressure of the toothbrush.
The discomfort or pain caused by tooth sensitivity is easily recognized and is also very unpleasant for the patient who suffers from it. On the other hand, it is difficult to identify and it is not temporary, it would be advisable to visit a dentist in Barcelona. The cause is usually due to affection of the nerve of the tooth or pulp due to caries.
Origin of tooth sensitivity
The nerve of the tooth or pulp is usually protected by two layers that are dentin and enamel.
- When enamel wears down: due to bruxism or some other cause, the dentin tubules are exposed and allow heat or cold to reflect on the nerve. This causes the symptoms previously discussed. Enamel wear can also be caused by erosion due to acidic foods.
- When the gum retracts: receding gums causes the root of the tooth to be exposed. The gums retract from too traumatic brushing or periodontal disease.
- Leaked fillings – When fillings wear or fracture, the dentin of the tooth is exposed and can lead to tooth sensitivity.
- Whitening: tooth sensitivity after whitening is normal and usually disappears after a few days.
- Prophylaxis: sometimes, after dental hygiene or cleaning, there may be dental hypersensitivity. This is because when removing the accumulated bacterial plaque or tartar, the dentin can be exposed in certain areas. In these situations, tooth sensitivity usually disappears after a few days.
Avoid sensitivity
- We must avoid consuming acidic drinks frequently (juices, sodas …).
- Avoid using high-hardness toothbrushes.
- The use of night guards is recommended in bruxist patients to avoid wearing down the teeth.
- Check-ups with the dentist in Barcelona on a regular basis
- Use of toothpaste and mouthwashes with fluoride.
- In case of receding gums, visit the periodontist in Barcelona