Currently the material most commonly used for dental implants is titanium but there are now new alternatives to it.
Titanium implants can cause unesthetic situations if they are transparent through the gum.
Zirconium implants are an alternative to metal because it is a white ceramic material. Because of its color, we can obtain a more aesthetic results than titanium implants and have similar mechanical properties.
Zirconium is a biocompatible material also used in other fields of medicine.
The materials most commonly used years ago to make crowns were gold and metal in combination with or without ceramic.
Currently, the ones we use the most are all-ceramic crowns without metal. Monolithic zirconium, ceramic zirconium or totally ceramic.
These materials, besides having very good biomechanical qualities, are biocompatible, biomimetic and highly aesthetic.
In the past, amalgam fillings were also made, also known as silver fillings.
These caused staining of the teeth and sometimes stains on the gums. Now we only make composite fillings, a resinous, white and aesthetic material that is biocompatible and with a long durability.
Metal brackets are commonly used for Orthodontic treatments.
There is always the option to use white ceramic brackets for a better aesthetic during the treatment or the option of using transparent aligners to put and remove to move the teeth without the need to use brackets.