odontologia para nños



Part of the society sees dentistry as the branch of health care focused on solving problems. In many cases, the dentist is only seen when a tooth hurts, when we see a dark spot on a tooth that we associate with cavities or when the teeth move.

However, the prevention part in dentistry should be the most important part. If we go to the dentist twice a year to undergo a dental examination we will reduce the rate of tooth decay and / or tooth loss.

During these follow-up visits, low-radiation x-rays are taken to assess the health of the teeth, assessing the need for oral hygiene or fluoride application.

In the case of finding cavities, the caries must be cleaned and the tooth reconstructed.

odontologia para nños
  • Odontologia preventiva
  • Examen dental radiológico
  • Obturaciones (limpieza de caries)
  • Tartertomía (higiene dental)
  • Fluorización (flúor
  • Hace mas de 6 meses que no acudo al dentista
  • Hace mas de 1 año que no me hacen una higiene bucal
  • Tengo manchas oscuras en los dientes
  • Se me queda comida entre los dientes