odontologia niños



The little ones of the house need to visit the dentist at least once a year since the first tooth comes out, detecting possible caries easy to solve.

In this way growth is controlled, they are taught how to take care of their teeth and thus avoid dental problems.

The techniques and materials used in pediatric dentistry are very different from those used in adults, especially the treatment focuses on the education of children and the prevention of caries.

Children need to visit the dentist at least once a year after the first tooth comes out, detecting possible caries easy to solve.

In this way growth is controlled, they are taught how to take care of their teeth and thus avoid dental problems.

The techniques and materials used in pediatric dentistry are very different from those used in adults, especially the treatment focuses on the education of children and the prevention of caries.

odontologia niños
  • Preventive dentistry
  • Dental eruption control
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Correction of oral habits (pacifier, thumb sucking, etc.)
  • Once a year since the first tooth comes out
  • Has spots on teeth that look like cavities
  • Sucks the thumb
  • His teeth are crowded
The Spanish Society of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that the first visit to the dentist be 6 months after the eruption of the first tooth and no later than the first year.
Fluoride is an excellent tool to protect the enamel and reduce the risk of decay. The pediatric dentist should evaluate the individual risk of caries of your child to decide on the frequency of administration and the appropriate dose.
Sweets are foods with a high content of sugar and calories, which is why their consumption should be limited and children should be taught to brush their teeth after the intake of these. It is recommended that these foods are not given to children under 3 years of age.
Sucking the thumb is a habit that many babies perform even inside the belly. However, if it persists, it is a difficult habit to eliminate. If your child is over 3 years old and still has this habit, ask our orthodontist or pediatric dentist for advice, since finger sucking can cause serious problems in your child’s bite.
It is advisable not to start using the pacifier before 15 days of age, restrict its use after 18 months and suppress it after 2 years. In addition, this pacifier should be anatomical or orthodontic and should not have a flat shield. It is important to follow these instructions because the pacifier can alter the position of the tongue and cause malocclusion.
From the eruption of the first tooth the nocturnal bottle should be suppressed or tooth brushing should be carried out after the use of the bottle before the baby falls asleep. It is highly recommended that the bottle nipple be of anatomically shaped and that the exit hole not be enlarged or added sugar, honey or sweeteners to the bottle. The bottle should be suppressed at 12-18 months of age.