06 Aug Post-operative recommendations after implant surgery
Dental loss can be solved by dental implants. These are titanium structures that are surgically placed in the maxillary bones. When placed by surgery it causes the titanium structure to replace the root of the tooth that has been lost. If this procedure is used, the aesthetics and function of the mouth are recovered, the same before losing the tooth.
After implant surgery, we must follow a series of recommendations, although on the same day of the operation our specialist will give you the guidelines to follow. These guidelines are:
- Ice should be applied to the operated area to prevent inflammation of the area and reduce pain
- The medication prescribed by the surgeon should be followed to avoid future infections.
- You should wait a minimum of 2 or 3 hours to eat, as we ensure that the effects of anesthesia have passed, and avoid possible bites.
- We must also follow a soft diet and cold food during the first days, and avoid chewing with the area where the operation was performed.
- During the first week the consumption of tobacco and alcohol is totally prohibited.
- It is important to try to avoid rinsing or spitting in the first 24 hours after surgery, since the clot that has formed in that area can be destabilized.
- We recommend rinsing with a chlorhexidine mouthwash twice a day for a maximum of two weeks.
- One day after surgery, you can brush your teeth gently but avoiding the area where the intervention was performed. Hygiene is always an essential action although always with a soft brush.
- During the first week you should not perform any physical exercise or lift weight, thus avoiding postoperative complications.
As a last important point is to go to the periodic reviews with your specialist, although the surgery has been a success, you must go to all the visits prescribed by the doctor.
At Clínica Blasi we want to solve all your doubts, and therefore for any doubt, do not think for a moment and consult with our specialists.