Dr. Victor Henarejos conferenciant in Italy

Dr. Victor Henarejos conferenciant in Italy

Dr. Víctor Henarejos was invited as speaker at the “L’ IMPORTANZA DEL CONFRONTO IN ORTODONZIA ”conference. The Accademia Italiana di Ortodonzia tecnica and the International Academy of Integral Dentistry-Italy organized a very complete program in Bologna on December 29 and 30, which aimed to raise awareness of the importance of intercommunication between professionals during orthodontic treatment.

During his presentation, Dr. Henarejos talked about how digital technologies have revolutionized the world of dentistry in recent years. He showed how thanks to the current planning and design systems the communication between different specialists is much more fluid and precise, since by being able to provide virtual, and sometimes real, the final result of the treatment, both dentist and patient, get a much more realistic and close vision of the treatment to be performed.

In Blasi Dental clinic Barcelona we have the great advantage of having very well trained and trained specialists and of having cutting-edge technologies. Therefore, our work philosophy is to offer the patient an interdisciplinary approach in order to propose a treatment plan as complete as possible; always suitable to your needs.

Ramon Perez mié, 10 abr, 15:45 (hace 6 días) para mí