Mar 07 2019
The 6 main causes of cavities
If you think you have cavities, you should visit your dentist because if something characterizes this disease is that it usually develops below the surface of the tooth, so we can not detect them with the naked eye.
The symptoms of cavities are easy to recognize. The discomforts and pains in our mouths are the most evident symptom of this. If they persist, especially when we chew or drink something cold, we may be talking about cavities. Dental sensitivity, bad breath, loss or breakage of the tooth and even a change in color are also warning signs.
That’s the way to identify if we suffer from tooth decay, but let’s recap: What is a decay and how is it produced? Well, a tooth decay appears when the tissues of the teeth are destroyed. This is a consequence of the presence of acids produced by plaque bacteria accumulated on dental surfaces.
Contrary to what you may think, tooth decay is not just a child thing, it is also a disease that adults can suffer. We will analyze the 6 causes of caries in children and adults:
1. Drinks and certain foods that stick to your teeth
In the same line, all those foods that contain – in addition to sugars – starch also contribute to a great extent to produce dental plaque that can damage the teeth to end up producing cavities. This includes honey, raisins, cereals or bread.
2. Frequent intake of sugars
The sweets and sweets are the main culprits of most cases of tooth decay that occur among the smallest. This is because the acid in these substances stays in the mouth longer, damaging the teeth.
3. Oral dryness
This is one of the causes of tooth decay in more frequent adults and that is because some medications and diseases can cause a lack of saliva that ends up damaging our teeth.
4. Water care
This recommendation may surprise you, but the reality is that in many areas the quality of drinking water, with distribution systems that contain fluoride, contributes to oral health because it protects the enamel. Currently, some mineral waters also include it.
4. Oral dryness
This is one of the causes of tooth decay in more frequent adults and that is because some medications and diseases can cause a lack of saliva that ends up damaging our teeth.
We must take special care in these cases, because, if the gums are retracted, decay plaques could appear near the root of the tooth. The risk is that this area is not protected by the enamel, with which the deterioration of it is assured.
6. Take care of your oral hygiene
Having clear how, when and how much to brush your teeth is key to preventing tooth decay. As a basic recommendation, think about brushing your toothbrush right after each meal and, also, if you have eaten any of the foods we mentioned before. Thus, even if you have ingested it, you will be «erasing» its effects on your teeth.